One of the major foundries that recently joined MyFonts is LucasFonts, led by Berlin-based Dutch designer Luc(as) de Groot. De Groot also teaches type design at the University of Applied Sciences in nearby Potsdam, and in doing so he is busy creating his own competition. Haptic by Henning Hartmut Skibbe was originally developed under Luc(as)’ supervision as a graduation project. Its retail version comes in an impressive range of seven weights — from Light to Black — each with matching italics, small caps and italic small caps.
Haptic was the result of a challenge. Henning Skibbe asked himself: “How much character can a typeface bear before losing legibility?” The answer is a delicate type family that offers maximum warmth and personality, yet meets all the requirements of an all-purpose text face. It was optimized for use in small sizes, but thanks to its soft shapes and subtle details it will work wonders as a headline face as well.
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